How to import objects from Battlefield 3?
Сообщений: 202
Дата: Пятница, 21.03.2014, 23:14 / Сообщение № 1
Time ago I saw a video about one user from here, he/she import some objects from battlefield 3. In my new map I want to work with battlefield's object, is it posiible import whatever object I want? How can I do it? Thank You.
Сообщений: 201
Дата: Пятница, 21.03.2014, 23:26 / Сообщение № 2
Цитата keku645 (  ) Time ago I saw a video about one user from here, he/she import some objects from battlefield 3. In my new map I want to work with battlefield's object, is it posiible import whatever object I want? How can I do it? Thank You. What objects? When? Also importing objects from other games is not OK and game companies won't like it, but you should never care about it since EA doesn't have a problem with Mirror's Edge mods. Anyways... You can rip them using 3dRipperDX and then work on it with a 3d program like Blender. Also ripping is a lengthy process which you don't wanna do cus takes too much time. Also, lots of objects used in BF3 are from Mirror's Edge, because DICE worked on both games. :D What exactly do you want to rip?
Сообщений: 202
Дата: Пятница, 21.03.2014, 23:34 / Сообщение № 3
Interior objects and meshes from this DLC called Close Quarters (Iv'e got it)
Сообщений: 201
Дата: Пятница, 21.03.2014, 23:49 / Сообщение № 4
Цитата keku645 (  ) Interior objects and meshes from this DLC called Close Quarters (Iv'e got it) Most objects from the Operation 925 are in Mirror's Edge. Also, what are you planning to make?
Сообщений: 202
Дата: Пятница, 21.03.2014, 23:53 / Сообщение № 5
A map like Ziba Tower or as I said you yesterday, subterrain laboratory in a lost island. Добавлено (21.03.2014, 23:53) --------------------------------------------- Off-Topic: Have you got Battlefield 3? For play toguether.
Сообщение отредактировал: / Post edited: keku645 - Пятница, 21.03.2014, 23:54
Сообщений: 201
Дата: Суббота, 22.03.2014, 00:06 / Сообщение № 6
Цитата keku645 (  ) A map like Ziba Tower or as I sayed you yesterday, subterrain laboratory in a lost island. Lets see... - Ziba tower looks more like a penthouse rather than a labaratory, you'll have to model stuff like this:
- There wouldn't be a way to justify that the map is on a lost island.
- Adding the island is not worth the job.
- What is the plot?
- Where are you gonna take the tree meshes from?
- How are you going to convert meshes from the game if without lots of work.
Overall: Not worth it. You were probably inspired by the fact that I created SCP: CB in ME, however there were lots of reasons I did that. SCP: CB is running on an old engine and the files are just there to copy, convert, edit, paste. Also, this will help you converting stuff from BF3, this just makes you get common with a 3d editor.
Добавлено (22.03.2014, 00:06) --------------------------------------------- Цитата keku645 (  ) Off-Topic: Have you got Battlefield 3? For play toguether. I have it, but I don't play it.... Mainly because I'm not used to BF3's mechanics. If you got GTA V, I would play it with you... In matches I never died lol... And my first death in GTA V was when I thought some guy was friendly and he killed me... Anyways, we can try to play Battlefield Play 4 Free tho.
Сообщений: 202
Дата: Суббота, 22.03.2014, 00:14 / Сообщение № 7
Hmmmm, I thought this: Create a giant BSP under the water, create the laboratory, the end about the map is you entry in elevator to top of the island: elevator's doors open, you see the sea and the levels ends. This last part with cinematic.
What is your skype?
Сообщение отредактировал: / Post edited: keku645 - Суббота, 22.03.2014, 00:15
Сообщений: 201
Дата: Суббота, 22.03.2014, 00:23 / Сообщение № 8
Цитата keku645 (  ) What is your skype? I'll PM you the Skype. Цитата keku645 (  ) Hmmmm, I thought this: Create a giant BSP under the water, create the laboratory, the end about the map is you entry in elevator to top of the island: elevator's doors open, you see the sea and the levels ends. This last part with cinematic. But BSP looks flat and uninteresting. :P Otherwise it can just be an underground bunker. :D I was gonna do a Government base underground map (I can give you download) but I canceled it because it was taking too much time.
Сообщений: 202
Дата: Суббота, 22.03.2014, 00:30 / Сообщение № 9
If you want send me the map, I'll look. = D If you want we could work toguether.Добавлено (22.03.2014, 00:30) --------------------------------------------- I add you soon, I'm not in my home now. =D