Цитата keku645 (
1 When i'm playing my own map (not in editor, i mean in the game) when i died, the flags stop move, why?
In the Kismet sequence for the flags add a Level Reset event and connect it the same way Level Loaded and Visible is.
1. Right click on the flag and select, "Find X in Unreal Kismet..."
2. RMB>New Event>Level Reset
3. Connect the nodes the same way Level Loaded and visible works
Also, do this this to your traffic. Since the prefab traffic uses level loaded and visible.
-Good luck.Цитата keku645 (
2- Why when I put the environment sound, when I'm in a closed room o far away i still hearing the sound? What options i must to touch?
Change the scale of the sound marker, or create a Kismet sequence.Добавлено (09.02.2014, 20:49)
Цитата Альтаир (
but there will have to create your own package with sounds.
You can use the internal package of the level.