Данные правила действуют на всей конференции. В отдельных разделах и форумах конференции возможно наличие собственных правил, которые уточняют и детализируют правила поведения в них. При этом данные правила остаются обязательными в любом случае. Правила вводятся для создания комфортной и конструктивной атмосферы общения. Если Вас не устраивает установленная форма общения, воздержитесь от участия в данной конференции...
Hi everyone. I'm a big Mirror's Edge fan and I've been doing maps since 2011. This is my third map after a 2 years break. Now that I'm a little more experienced I've decided to try to make something like the map Stark Concrete since it's my favorite one.
This is the result, a new map for Mirror's Edge supporting Ambient Light and HDR and it's called Redix. Hope you like it and have much fun playing it! If you find ugly things like the red boxes then let me tell you that I'm aware of that. I had to render it on low cause it would take years for my pc to render. ^_^
Oh and as I can't speak russian I'll have to write in english. Hope you can read/translate it!
Сообщение отредактировал: / Post edited: Salocin - Среда, 07.08.2013, 21:05
Я тут что подумал. Все знаю как выглядит карта из уровня обучения в ME... Так вот, у меня эта карта, почему то(наверно репак убогий) выглядит примерно так(ну не в точности, но тоже всякие кубики, по которым можно бесконечно бегать и никак пройти нельзя): В общем, вопрос: Могу ли я заменить свою карту обучения на эту, а если смогу, то где лежит эта карта?
ScorpyX: Вопрос не уместен в этой теме - тут обсуждается новая карта REDIX
Сообщение отредактировал: / Post edited: rRamazan2012 - Среда, 07.08.2013, 21:19
Nice map. Did you set the resolution of materials to 1.0? You don't have to set it to 1.0 if the area is shadowed and no light hits it, and areas that never get light, put the highest res (6550?), and uncheck the bAcceptLights boxes.
В общем, вопрос: Могу ли я заменить свою карту обучения на эту, а если смогу, то где лежит эта карта?
I don't really understand what you mean. :/ If you have downloaded my map, make a backup of the folder SP00 that is in Documents/Mirror's Edge/TdGame/Published/CookedPC/Maps/ and paste the downloaded SP00 folder with the map in here. Then you just have to start the Time Trial map Playground One. It wont replace anything. Just delete it when you want to play the original Playground One Map.
Цитата (Abincyprus)
Did you set the resolution of materials to 1.0? You don't have to set it to 1.0 if the area is shadowed and no light hits it, and areas that never get light, put the highest res (6550?), and uncheck the bAcceptLights boxes.
I don't know if you have noticed but the map are just 2 big static meshes.One static mesh is the red boxes and the other one is the walls. I rendered the shadows with 3ds Max on a 2048x2048(that is of course way too small for so many boxes!) sized TGA file which I then imported to UDK. The whole map was done in 3ds max not UDK! And by the way could you tell me where i can find the resolution of material to 1.0 and where the checkbox of bAcceptLights is? And also what do you mean with putting the highest res of 6550? the material is 2048x2048 like I said because it would take ages to render and I already rendered it on low.. Thanks for your compliment.
Сообщение отредактировал: / Post edited: Salocin - Среда, 07.08.2013, 22:08
I don't know if you have noticed but the map are just 2 big static meshes.One static mesh is the red boxes and the other one is the walls. I rendered the shadows with 3ds Max on a 2048x2048(that is of course way too small for so many boxes!) sized TGA file which I then imported to UDK. The whole map was done in 3ds max not UDK! And by the way could you tell me where i can find the resolution of material to 1.0 and where the checkbox of bAcceptLights is? And also what do you mean with putting the highest res of 6550? the material is 2048x2048 like I said because it would take ages to render.. Thanks for your compliment.
Wait you rendered the lighting in 3ds max not in the editor? That's not how it's done. Check out my map if you want to see very nice sun light http://mirrors-edge2.ru/forum/34-300-1 I thought this was made with BSP brushes... You select a wall (BSP only) and click F5. My map made good use of it (see the New Stream map post). And I would suggest you to do it with BSP brushes, it will speed up the process.
Добавлено (07.08.2013, 22:13) --------------------------------------------- Also, the sun light renders pretty fast with BSP brushes, and even static meshes in the editor.
Salocin, you dont understand me. I want replace level 0 map(tutorial/learning level). For that am must know name this map in directory Documents/Mirror's Edge/TdGame/Published/CookedPC/Maps. You understand me? Can you answer my question?
Сообщение отредактировал: / Post edited: rRamazan2012 - Среда, 07.08.2013, 22:16
Salocin, you dont understand me. I want replace level 0 map(tutorial/learning level). For that am must know name this map in directory Documents/Mirror's Edge/TdGame/Published/CookedPC/Maps. You understand me? Can you answer my question?
I'm not him but the training level is in SP00/training_p.me1 Hence the name. Как это можно было не угадать?
Добавлено (07.08.2013, 22:21) --------------------------------------------- Не саветаю земениат туториал уровень, у нево кажеца ставится Gamemode: tutorial automatically.
Сообщение отредактировал: / Post edited: Abincyprus - Среда, 07.08.2013, 22:21
Wait you rendered the lighting in 3ds max not in the editor? That's not how it's done.
Haha, yes I rendered it with 3ds max. I just checked your map and it looks great but I want to achieve ambient light if you know what I mean. ^^ Like red color bounces on a white wall. And I'm more into making maps like the original DLC for Mirror's Edge (easier). Did you see my Factory map on youtube? It's 2 years old and I can't remember how I did it.
Цитата (rRamazan2012)
Salocin, you dont understand me. I want replace level 0 map(tutorial/learning level). For that am must know name this map in directory Documents/Mirror's Edge/TdGame/Published/CookedPC/Maps. You understand me? Can you can answer my question?
I think I understand you now. The main tutorial map (not time trial, the main story tutorial map) is called Tutorial_p.me1. Is that what you wanted to know?
Salocin, what about this map? your map looks similar
Yes that's where my inspiration came from to do this map. I wanted to do something like that, I even used the same material for the wall cause I simply couldnt find anything as good as that. That's why I rendered it on 3ds max cause I remember how edgie (the maker of stark concrete) wrote a post about it long time ago how he made the Stark Concrete map. Edgie used 4096x4096 sized materials (the double of mine) and I think he probably rendered it on highest.
Сообщение отредактировал: / Post edited: Salocin - Среда, 07.08.2013, 22:32
Haha, yes I rendered it with 3ds max. I just checked your map and it looks great but I want to achieve ambient light if you know what I mean. ^^ Like red color bounces on a white wall. And I'm more into making maps like the original DLC for Mirror's Edge
You can do ambient lights using normal lights in UDK/UE/Mirror's Edge editor. I don't think you need to render it at all in 3ds max. +Faith gets colored lighting from any static mesh which has lights. Also, there are light channels, you can check it out. Also the bouncing ambient lights in the level Heat, was made using UDK's lights.
Цитата (Salocin)
(easier). Did you see my Factory map on youtube? It's 2 years old and I can't remember how I did it.
Yes I have, but you didn't have lighting? Just a skylight?
Yes I have, but you didn't have lighting? Just a skylight?
Yes I think I had a Skylight and Light Points in that map but I can't check it out cause I don't have the map anymore. Well I can't find it on my PC I must have deleted it or somehow..
Yes I think I had a Skylight and Light Points in that map but I can't check it out cause I don't have the map anymore. Well I can't find it on my PC I must have deleted it or somehow..
Here's a tip: never put skylight unless it is set to a channel to correct a mesh's lighting. Skylight makes the level look dull.
-> Salocin: hey man - Great work - looks nice - i will try it on these days although it seems to me red color is too intense - but this may be a false sense and yeah - thanks for post it here - I really appreciate it
by the way - 4shared.com required registration for download.. nobody likes "registration for download" - i think everyone hate things like this i add some mirror for downloading - and also edit style of post (hope you like it)
->Abincyprus: man - sadly you cant bake Global Illumination in light maps for Mirrors Edge (in editor)
=== About global illumination and "Beast"
the problem is that for this used a special program for baking light (by emission of light particles - like in 3D modeling soft) its called "Beast" by "illuminate Labs" company you can read - this presentation doc on DICE page
after Mirrors edge release in end of 2009 year Epic Games release UDK (Unreal Development Kit) with bundled feature "Lightmass" for "baking advanced lighting" purpose until that moment Unreal Engine 3 dont have any feature for baking Global illumination lighting
and DICE implemented some "in-house" tools in Unreal Editor - for export \ import light data to Beast program of course after mirrors edge release - Beast program and tool not attached to the game
and then some awesome Fan screwed editor files to Mirrors Edge - and we all run it it can be seen that some buttons on the toolbar do not have their icons this is the function to work with beast program (without beast)
and this is why people bake lightmaps in third-party 3D modeling (etc) programs by the way - this is very powerful technics which used for example in many mobile games because results give lighting feel and looks great without any lighting and processing power (because its just textures) etc
-> Abincyprus: man - sadly you cant bake Global Illumination in light maps for Mirrors Edge (in editor)
Цитата (ScorpyX)
and this is why people bake lightmaps in third-party 3D modeling (etc) programs
Yeah I know that. But what I was talking about are light compositions, it is a bit time consuming thought (you can see them on my map). You can place a directional light, set to an outdoor channel so it won't touch the interiors, and another directional light with a skylight (make it channel specific and very weak as well) to produce the blue shadow. And if you want light bouncing, place an area light or a point light. But what I noticed is that when I went up to a blue wall in my level, Faith got the blue color from the walls by default with no lights.
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